March 28, 2016

A Sip and See for Kennedy Frances

A little over a month ago, my sister hosted a Sip and See for Kennedy at her home in Fayetteville. It was a great time to catch up with our Northwest Arkansas friends, and have them meet our sweet girl! We enjoyed donuts, quiche, sausage balls, fruit, and juice. Kennedy was our party girl, and slept through almost the entire thing.

We sure love this little girl of ours, and loved celebrating her arrival with good friends! Special thanks to my sister, Bethany for opening up her home for us to celebrate our KFS.

March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

Kennedy Frances, almost 4 months

Snack time at MDO
Countryside's Egg Hunt
Decorating eggs with Papa and Mimi

Easter Sunday 2016
Happy Easter! 

We had a great time celebrating Easter this year, especially since it was Kennedy's first one. Ruby Kay also is beginning to understand holidays more and loved going on two egg hunts this year. Her sweet Mothers Day Out does such a good job celebrating the holidays, and including us parents for their parties.  On Thursday, Ben's came in town for a few days before Easter, and brought a Easter basket with goodies for the girls. We enjoying dyeing egg, and spending time together. Both of the girls love their Mimi and Papa so much. Jake and Sue also watched both girls while Ben and I went to the movies one afternoon. That was such a treat!

Life with these two girls and their Daddy is so sweet. This year I am thankful for Jesus' Ressurection and the gift of life that he provides! We had a busy week full of egg hunts and easter baskets, and althought they were fun- I hope next year to teach RK more about the real reason we celebrate Easter. As I write this, RK is saying "my bunny give me doctor set" over and over.