So... Here is the story behind my latest project. My wonderful Mother loves to bring back gifts for her grandchildren, and one of their favorites is what they called "Nina" skirts (instead of Grandma, they call her Nina). So, this trip my Mom brought back an adult sized skirt & it landed with me! Yipee!
The only problem was that the skirt fell at a realllllllyyyy awkward length, so I decided to cut & hem it. Enjoy the pictures from my attempts at being a "seamstress".
Love the feeling of sewing again! And love sewing with such fun, floral prints :) You know me & florals...
A little tricky & a little rough but I attempted to alter the liner on the underside.... So glad my flaws are hidden!
Finished hem :)
Here is the result! I wore this little dandy to class today & was told that it was a. so girly b. very spring. I just wish that I could wear it with my sweet neices!