May 31, 2011


Guess what I have been up to lately? That's right, none other than babysitting for a kamp family (kamp as in Kanakuk). This summer, Ben & I are not working at kamp due to our martial status. I still wanted just an ounce of kamp though, so I am officially a babysitter for a week!

Yesterday I went on a walk with the youngest kiddo & here are some pics of why I still love kamp.

Girls Kamp!

Beautiful times of worship held here.

The pool is definitely a hit when it comes to being a babysitter, and the kids too :)

I loved this baby carrier, probably too much!

Here is a picture of the Houston family who I am babysitting for & a link to their kamp website!

Location:The I'm 3rd Way,Branson,United States

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