last weekend, my sisters and friends hosted a baby shower for me. it was the cutest shower ever, and i felt loved and pampered. in attendance were friends from in and out of town, community group friends, college friends, and my favorite- both grandmas (mimi and nina)! baby seiler is going to be so loved, and i am so thankful for a great community.
on the menu: fruit kabobs, french bread and bruschetta, lemon blueberry cupcakes, pineapple lemonade punch, and a popcorn bar.
for those of you who don't know, i LOVE popcorn. my sweet sister, Lori, thought to have a popcorn bar for our guests. 
the girls had a few stations scattered around- one was to write note to baby seiler and the other was to write a note on a infant diaper for all those late night changes. i can't wait to see what everyone wrote!all my sweet hostesses: madison (college friend), bethany, lori, marisa (sisters), and kelli (work friend)! so thankful for these dear friends an aunties to baby s.
i am so thankful for such great friends, and such a cute shower!
thanks to my mom for the pictures!
{if felt weird to not have my camera with me!}
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