after church on sunday, we joined our friends, daniel and lauren for lunch in bentonville. ben & i rarely venture up to bentonville, but decided after our afternoon, that we need to more often. it is such a fun town, and too close to us not to visit.

we ate at the flying per daniel & lauren's recommendation. it was a great choice, tasty food & great atmosphere!
i went with the catfish and shrimp combo. i'm thinking that we will need to bring my parent's up the next time they are visiting. this is my dad's kind of restaurant!
you can barely see the "fish wall" below. your reward for bringing your singing fish is a free meal!
after lunch, we strolled down to the five & dime on the square for a tour of walmart.
sam walton's office
"i just don't believe a big showy lifestyle is appropriate. why do i drive a pick up truck? what am i supposed to haul my dogs in, a rolls royce?" -a quote from the famous sam walton. he seemed a pretty down to earth kind of guy.
we enjoyed ice cream after our tour!
we are so thankful for these two, and had such a great afternoon together!
i am loving tulips, especially the ones in full bloom. they are so bright & cheery!
we had such a fun sunday afternoon in bentonville with the gates!