October 20, 2014

thoughts and a playground

I frequently hear comments about wanting to freeze time from parents. Especially parents who have small children. Now having a emerging toddler, I wholly agree.
This past weekend we were in Little Rock, meeting with friends in the area to share about our ministry with them. The house where we were staying was conveniently located across the street from a playground. Holding RK’s fifteen month old hand as we crossed the street to the playground, I too wanted to freeze time. 

Each time we would walk out the door, RK would anxiously point to the playground in hopes that we would be making another trip there. Even though she was too small for the playground, she had the time of her life climbing up the stairs and leaping to the slides. What a fun job it is, to be her Mom and watch her as she discovers new things each day.

October 7, 2014

baby afghan #2

I just finished my second baby afghan, and loved making it. Although they take a lot of yarn, I love how quick and simple they are to make. Making them can become quite addicting too. After Ruby Kay goes to bed, Ben and I have been enjoying watching a show or two, which is a great time to work on things crafty. 

After finishing the border, I double the stitch all the way around to create a slight ruffle. Next time, I think I'll plan for more yarn at the end so I can do an even bigger ruffle. I made this for my sweet niece, Ellanora. I won't tell you which holiday she was supposed to get it by, but I will tell you that it was a little over ten months late. Yikes!