October 9, 2013

3 months with ruby kay

to our dear ruby kay,

happy three months old little one! what a joy this past month has been with you. as always, it seems that you grow so much right before you turn another month old. this past weekend, you seemed to be growing by the second. you are getting so interactive with us- and we love it! you have the brightest smile, and your coos melt our hearts.

you are still so chill, but are so happy whenever we talk to you. you already seem to be a people person. i am so curious to see who you grow to be. my prayer is that you grow to love Jesus so much that even strangers can see Jesus through you.

some sweet things to remember from our third month with you are:
-how you love to giggle whenever we laugh (aunt Bethany's laugh is what started it all!)
-you are such a kicker! we wear a lot of socks around here since your workout legs are always kicking blankets off
-you are starting to move around when we put you on your tummy- but you are still pretty content to stay in the same place when we lay you on your back
-you still sleep so well in your velcro swaddle- I love the consistency and comfort of a tight swaddle for you
-you have started mimicking our faces- so far we have seen you copy smiles, surprised, and scared faces.
-you & your (nameless as of now) giraffe are best buddies. it melts my heart how you cuddle with your giraffe and even slobber on him.
-you are grasping and pulling on toys with your hands! you also love to hold and play with my hand- especially when i sit next to you on long car rides.
-you sleep so well when a blanket or pillow is pressed softly against your face
-you now have a tooth! your daddy saw it first, and i didn't even believe him when he told me. sure enough you are an early teeth bloomer and have a tiny little tooth on your bottom right side.
-we are finally getting comfortable and good at this nursing game. i think it's just something that takes time. especially for first time mamas.
-we are now pretty consistent with your nursing schedule: 6am,9am,12pm,3pm,6pm,and 9pm. when you wake up in the night, i re-swaddle you and give you a paci to soothe you.
-especially the last week, you are baby-talking up a storm. we love it!
-you can hold up your head so well, and enjoy sitting in your bumbo and exersaucer for short periods of time
rubes, we sure love being your parents. we are so proud of you, and so thankful that God chose us to be your daddy & mama.

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