September 25, 2014

A Trip Down Memory Lane to Oklahoma

For the past few months, I keep thinking that I need to write an update post on this little space. I love having a personal blog that chronicles fun trips and everyday life. 

To take a trip down memory lane, this blog began back in 2010, right after Ben and I got married, and were attending the Kanakuk Institute. It's where we announced our move to Fayetteville, AR and settled into our first apartment together. This blog has always been a carefree space, that I have used to share about our lives. In a sense, this space is my "online scrapbook" of our favorite trips, holidays, and crafting adventures

My content changed a bit after announcing that we were expecting, especially with all the maternity posts, and then when we welcomed Ruby Kay into our family. I also wrote monthly letters to Ruby Kay here (and still need to finished months 11 and 12!). I loved writing about my first quilt, and our dream vacation to the Bahamas. Ever so often, I would write about things I was learning and experiencing that were close to my heart. 

With our newest chapter of life opening up, I think it's important to change gears a little bit. I hinted at the change over a year ago, but now it is official. Ben and I are now on staff with Cru (Campus Crusade), and will be serving at Oklahoma State University! We are so excited to be on campus, working with college students, and encouraging them to grow and reproduce their faith in the Lord. Even though we both grew up in Christian families, we both were impacted by having mentors in college that modeled their faith in the Lord so well. Because of our love for the Lord, and our burden to spread the gospel of Christ- we are following the Lord's calling to work with college students!
Right now, we are in the process of building our team of partners and will be moving to Stillwater, Oklahoma, once our team is complete. Until then, we will still be in Fayetteville calling the hogs, and travelling to meet with people to share about our ministry. We are so thankful for the support of our friends and family as we have stepped out in faith!

Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18-20

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